Our staff observes everything about us. The way we think and articulate our thoughts, how relate with people, the way we speak, and even the way we dress and walk. In zoom meetings, however, they can only see us give orders. And they probably know we are wearing sleeping shorts.
In ancient times, I loved listening to my bosses. I would learn about their own experiences, what they cared about, and what their values were. Above all, I could see them as human beings with feelings like mine. Even shared laughter over pizza with the bosses made me want to become a better employee.
In the Covid era, we have lost what Fortune labeled as MBWA or “management by walking around.” It was believed that leaders who stopped by to talk and listen inspired people to be their best. In zoom meetings, our corporate relationships become merely transactional.
Many writers say that good leaders have great vision. But I like this quote attributed to leadership guru John C. Maxwell: “People buy into the leader before they buy into the vision.”
I am glad I realized this while I still have time to compensate for all that I lost in the past two years. While it is still not safe in the city where I work, maybe I can start by increasing and stretching my zoom time with them. I will buy them lunch soon.
How the Behavior of Company Managers Can Affect the Behaviors of their Subordinates on the Chron website
Two Leader Behaviors that Really Make a Difference by Ronald E. Riggio on the Psychology Today website
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