A wrong reading of body language contributed to the death of
175,000 Iraqis and hundreds of coalition forces.
This was a revealed by Dr. Lisa Feldman Barrett in her
seminal book How Emotions are Made : The Secret
Life of the Brain. She narrated that Saddam Hussein’s half-brother misread
the American negotiators’ non-verbal language and believed the US was not
serious about attacking. I am assuming the negotiators behaved in a diplomatic or “corporate,” manner.
Dr. Barrett, a distinguished neuroscientist, disagreed with
the “classical view” that emotions have a “fingerprint.” Backed by numerous
laboratory tests, she argued that there is no template for the brain process and the bodily
manifestations of emotion. For example, we may or may not have a spike in blood
pressure when angry, we may or may not sweat when nervous.
She also disproved the universality of facial signatures. Happiness
is not always displayed by a smile or a laugh. We all know by experience that
when happy, we may sometimes cry. Sometimes we just take it in silently,
sometimes we are just stunned, or we may even faint. People who are angry don’t
always scowl. Sometimes they laugh.
Culture affects
The author said it is important for us to know these human
errors of interpretation in order to avoid serious consequences. A lot of times
our cultural upbringing affects our perception.
Dr. Barrett cited the example of how many women in the
Unites States are wrongly diagnosed. When female patients complain of chest
pressure and shortness of breath, “they are more likely to be diagnosed with
anxiety” and are sent home. Male patients, on the other hand, are “more likely
to be diagnosed with a heart disease” and are given life-saving treatment.
According to Dr. Barrett, this American bias about women being more emotional results
in more women over 65 dying more frequently of heart attack.
Barrett also noted that in the trial of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, the Boston Marathon
bomber, BBC reported, “Only two of the jurors believed Tsarnaev has felt
remorse. The other 10, like many in Massachusets, think he has no regrets.”
Barrett believes the jury based their impression on the fact that the suspect
just sat through the trial with a “stone-faced” expression. The westerners must
have wanted him to cry and say sorry. They didn't know, according to Barrett,
that in Chechen culture, men are expected “to be stoic in the face of
Filipinos who have just lost their home in a tragedy are being interviewed onTV, they smile as they talk. Are they happy despite everything ? Maybe they’re
just nervous or are trying to overcome stage fright.
Mind Tools website had this article
describing cultural differences in body language. It said that a casual
crossing of legs or a “cheery thumbs up” may be a faux pas in Japan and Greece.
In the Middle East, flashing thumbs up is considered rude.
Bulgaria, nodding of the head is actually a gesture of disagreement. In the US
and in Western Europe, extended eye contact shows “we are taking interest in
what someone is saying.” But in Latin America and Africa, it is seen as a
website Strategy + Business shared
that in a study, Chinese participants leaned back and made frequent eye contact
to project negativity. To communicate dominance, the “Canadians were more
likely to sit straight up; the Chinese showed that posture to show
Thou shalt not judge others
often jump into a conclusion when people are not behaving in the way that we,
ourselves, would. And we tend to dislike them. I remember from years ago this
sharing by a priest. He said that he was so irritated by this old man in the
front row who always dozed off as soon as he delivered the sermon. Eventually,
the man’s wife was able to tell the priest that the man, her husband, was going
through chemotherapy and was therefore always tired. He only needed to hear the
voice of the priest to feel comforted.
Among the often misunderstood are the extreme introverts. Some of them can be misjudged as uncooperative, painfully shy, lacking in self-confidence, snobbish, inarticulate, maladjusted, rebellious, slow, maybe even hiding something. Susan Cain is an introvert who graduated from Princeton and Harvard Law School. In her book Quiet : The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking she observed that when introverted children are pressured, overstimulated or dismissed, they have an increased chance of experiencing depression or respiratory disorders. Ms. Cain also noted that the western business culture is partial to the extroverts -the outspoken, lead-taking and team-playing ones. They are perceived to be more intelligent.
Among the often misunderstood are the extreme introverts. Some of them can be misjudged as uncooperative, painfully shy, lacking in self-confidence, snobbish, inarticulate, maladjusted, rebellious, slow, maybe even hiding something. Susan Cain is an introvert who graduated from Princeton and Harvard Law School. In her book Quiet : The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking she observed that when introverted children are pressured, overstimulated or dismissed, they have an increased chance of experiencing depression or respiratory disorders. Ms. Cain also noted that the western business culture is partial to the extroverts -the outspoken, lead-taking and team-playing ones. They are perceived to be more intelligent.
before giving a pep talk to our scholars from poor families, I noticed one boy
who was not participating in singing the worship song. At first, I thought he
was arrogant. Then I was reminded by Dr. Barrett’s teaching against quick
conclusions. Maybe it was his first time
in a spiritual gathering and was being overwhelmed by a feeling he couldn’t
understand. I did not have an idea so I had no judgment.
misjudging of people happens frequently at a time and place where there
is so much tension and suspicion. For example, a war zone. A similar state of hostility may happen in the
office where competitive workmates choose to watch one another instead of talk
to one another.
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